We love our community members. These "Featured Members" are a way for us to shine a light on the people who make up our great community.

Meet Willem. He's a veteran contributor to the concrete5 community. His most recent contribution efforts is with the security, PRB, and certification.

Now, let's hear from Willem...

The Professional Scoop

Concrete5 username: WillemAnchor

Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands

Occupation/Employer: I build things, self employed

Willem, lets start from the beginning. How did you come to concrete5, and why did you get involved in the concrete5 community?

I was looking for a cms to build a website for my company, checked a few and concrete5 looked promising. The community provided me with so many answers, I learned a lot from it. Not only how to use concrete5, that was pretty self explaining, but also about programming for websites.

Soon enough I could answer questions myself, and if I didnt, I dug into it and learned from it as well. And I still do. I recently joined the PRB-team, reviewing add-ons and themes before they are approved for the marketplace.

Whats your favorite concrete5 theme or addon?

ExchangeCore Developer Tools https://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/excha...

It may not be very useful for editors or designers, but its a must-have for developers and I use it all the time.

How do you or your company use concrete5?

Ive build a couple of websites with concrete5 and also have a few add-ons on the marketplace. What I really like is that it has so many things already build-in. Especially when you dig a bit further under the hood, many things are there ready to be used. Want to use a second database ? Sure, no problem. Its very adaptable.

What is your favorite feature of concrete5?

Stacks, pagetypes, templates, attributes...but also the topics system, its not easy to pick just one. Im really curious about the new Express feature in 8.0

What are you guys currently working on?

At the moment a few websites, and a gallery add-on

Web Designers put blood, sweat and tears into their projects. Is there a project you are especially proud of?

Thats always the latest :D

I really had a lot of fun building my Image Plus add-on and I hope it can be useful for others too. It took some time to get all the visual effects working on different browsers and devices, but Im very happy about the result.

The Personal Scoop

I always enjoy learning how people end up in their careers. Did you envision working in the web development industry from the start?

I started programming back in the 80 as a kid with a self assembled CP/M computer. Only after I studied, the web started to take off. But by that time I stopped programming and went to do other things. About 5 years ago, I picked up my old hobby, setup a little company and never stopped.

Do you have any hidden talents that very few people know about?

I do not only build websites, but also houses. Together with 9 others I have a contracting company that renovates houses and builds extensions. I work there part-time, so three days of the week you can find me on top of a roof or anywhere on a building site. To me, this a great combination to use both head and body.

People love funny 404 pages. What is your favorite 404 page?

Not a 404 page, but just go here http://producten.hema.nl/ and wait a few seconds.

Its old, but great.

Dear Willem,

The concrete5 community would like to recognize your incredible dedication and support! We appreciate everything you do to make concrete5 successful. Contributors like you are worth their weight in gold. Your help with certification questions and testing is greatly appreciated.