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Free theme based on the "pluralism" template from http://freecsstemplates.org. 

A two-column, fixed-width template fit for 1024x768 screen resolutions. Body text is justified (as opposed to left- or right-aligned), so it spans the entire width of the column. There is also an extra-tall, 3-column footer area at the bottom of the page (useful for extended info, meta-data about your site, recent posts, etc.).

Also contains 2 custom block templates -- one for search and one for survey. If you add either of those blocks to your site, it is recommended that you use these custom templates (after adding the block in edit mode, click it and choose "Custom Template", then pick "Pluralism" from the drop-down list).

UPDATE: Version 1.1 adds the "footer_required" element that was accidentally left off the bottom of page templates, so now your Tracking Code from the dashboard will be outputted to all pages.

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